Complex of chapels and other architectural features, imitating Calvary in Jerusalem.
Examples for "sacro monte"
Examples for "sacro monte"
1Was entertained at dinner by the Municipio of Varallo-Sesia on the Sacro Monte.
2Frescoes at Saronno and in the Sacro Monte at Varallo.
3Plate I: Plan of the Sacro Monte in 1671
4What remains of his work on the Sacro Monte itself consists of statues of Sta.
5Such miracles are still of occasional if not frequent occurrence in connection with the Sacro Monte.
1Yonder is the sacred mount, towering far above the clouds and fogs of sin and selfishness.
2His fingers drifted from my hair to my body, roaming like the goat on the hills of the sacred mount.
3It is the day on which the pilgrims go up the sacred mount near Mecca, to hear the sermon which terminates the Haj.
4The people gave Manius Valerius thenceforth the name of "the great" (-maximus-)-andcalled the mount beyond the Anio "the sacred mount."
5The road lies open to the Sacred Mount and to other hills.
1Near Tsótzĭlh, the sacred mountain of the south, lived Yéĭtso, the Big God.
2He dwelt on a sacred mountain and acted as adviser to the king.
3He stood at the beginning of the trail that led up the sacred mountain.
4This sacred mountain had never been climbed by an Indian.
5It's the only documented subterranean mountain, a sacred mountain.
1Calvary hill and empty tomb were prefigured.
2The same could happen around Karla's birthday, He's probably been out to visit Karla's grave at Calvary Hill Cemetery.
3When Christ came to redeem mankind, they made him carry His own cross to Calvary Hill, where He died in blood and dust.
Translations for calvary hill